Sunday, January 25, 2009

On the run

Good evening blogosphere =)

As promised, I am recapping on my eats for snacks and dinner. Before I went to the fitness center, I snacked on a crunchy Kashi pumpkin seed flax bar. It was pretty tasty and definitely fueled my body to do some serious stairclimbing and running, all while reading Self Magazine.

I only recently got into this mag (I'm a hardcore Shape devotee) but I gotta say that I was quite impressed with this month's issue! A good chunk of it was devoted to making peace with your body (regardless of whether you passed up that cookie at lunch or devoured it... and a second). It addressed the need to eat well and exercise to be healthy, not to wear a size 2. Or 4. Or whatever. Sizes vary from store to store anyway. Self also had a section where a few women shared their secrets to self-appreciation that worked better than any diet gimmick to help them lose weight and maintain the loss. The Piece de Resistance, though, was definitely the cover star: Jenna Fischer of The Office. The feature zeroed in on several challenges that Self posed of Jenna and her journey in tackling them. Filled with her class-act deadpan humor and practical, realistic insights, this article was a gem.

After working out, I was in a bit of a time crunch to get cleaned up and ready for a couple meetings tonight: one for Kappa Kappa Psi, the honorary band fraternity, and the other for Alpha Phi Omega, the service fraternity. I looked in our fridge and the first thing that caught my eye was some Healthy Harvest Campbells chicken and vegetable soup that's been in my dorm room for far too long. I heated that up in a tupperware and drank it at my meeting (a little tricky with the chicken). I also had a Gala apple and a Yoplait Light Thick and Creamy yogurt. Although the combination of the adjectives "light," "thick," and "creamy" seem a little peculiar. It does have high fructose corn syrup in it... but supposedly HFCS isn't the devil sweetener it's made out to be. I don't know how I feel about that yet. At any rate, I try not to think too much of it because I sort of treat it as a dessert and it really does make my mouth happy. Unlike the soup, which did not sit well with my stomach at all, but perhaps that was because I ate it on the run. More like on the really brisk walk. Either way, bad idea.

Well, I think that will do it for tonight. I bid you adieu. 

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